The following images illustrate the observation that is has become common for men to shop in Topshop, each outfit has at least one Topshop piece incorporated into it:
The following four consumer profiles illustrate how lifestyle can influence the way people shop. Each consumer has a monthly income from a job and is therefore able to spend money on luxuries like shopping. Three of the consumers work in fashion industry and are interested in fashion and keeping up with trends. All four consumers are clearly heavily influenced by the media, the books and magazines they read reveal their personalities and the TV shows and movies they like are representative of their interests. All of these things have a direct impact on their style.
214 Oxford Street is the World‟s largest retail fashion store. This flagship store is the number one fashion destination on the high street and Topman have recently expanded their trading space from one floor to two. This now means that there is no where bigger or better on the high street for menswear and gives Topman a huge advantage when it comes to its competition.
To ensure publicity is gained for Topshop for Topman, Topman‟s PR team will have to ensure that the product is communicated to its customer in a number of different ways. A vital technique used in PR is to recognize your target audience, and to tailor every message to it, this is why it is very important for Topman‟s PR team to understand its audience, and ensure it is targeting them in the correct way.